Indian Express today carried a news story about one of the top officers of NVS being probed by HRD for irregularities. Even that inquiry seems to be prompted by another Express Story about the same officer a few months ago. This incident should act as an eye opener to other officers and particularly to the Principals.
One off incidents such as this may not have much impact. There is a great need for review of the way in which Vidyalaya accounts are audited. Bulk of the audit reports contain objections about trivial issues such as TA claims, Children Educational Allowances and miss the real irregularities which are done by the Principals. It doesn't mean that audit should ignore the corrupt practices of the staff but equal stress should be given on checking the corrupt practices that are commonly resorted to in Navodayas costing huge loss of public money. Internal Audit is handed over to the same agencies year after year and it results in some kind of unhealthy understanding between the audited and auditor.
Teachers, whose reporting officer is Principal, can't dare to speak out. Committees of teachers usually verify and certify the receipt of goods. Samples are rarely looked at and majority of the times Store Keepers take the stock and obtain the signatures later. Panel Inspection should include verification of received stock with that of samples. Surprise Inspections by Third Parties are essential to control the corrupt practices.
One off incidents such as this may not have much impact. There is a great need for review of the way in which Vidyalaya accounts are audited. Bulk of the audit reports contain objections about trivial issues such as TA claims, Children Educational Allowances and miss the real irregularities which are done by the Principals. It doesn't mean that audit should ignore the corrupt practices of the staff but equal stress should be given on checking the corrupt practices that are commonly resorted to in Navodayas costing huge loss of public money. Internal Audit is handed over to the same agencies year after year and it results in some kind of unhealthy understanding between the audited and auditor.
Teachers, whose reporting officer is Principal, can't dare to speak out. Committees of teachers usually verify and certify the receipt of goods. Samples are rarely looked at and majority of the times Store Keepers take the stock and obtain the signatures later. Panel Inspection should include verification of received stock with that of samples. Surprise Inspections by Third Parties are essential to control the corrupt practices.