While Central Government Employees are enjoying the benefits of MACP (Modified Assured Carrier Progression Scheme), NVS employees are being made to wait for 12 years for seniority scale. A recent circular by the DOPT (OM No.35034/3/2010-Estt. (D) on 3rd August, 2010) has approved the extension of the scheme to autonomous organizations with a few conditions:
(i) The earlier ACP Scheme was also implemented/adopted by the said Autonomous/Statutory Body.
(ii) The proposal to adopt MACP Scheme has been approved by the Governing Body/Board of Directors.
(iii) The Administrative Ministry/Financial Adviser of the Ministry has concurred with the proposal.
(iv) The financial implications of adoption of MACP Scheme have been taken into account by the Organisation/Body and the additional financial implications can be met by it within the existing Budget Grants.
NVS can easily fulfill the conditions including the last condition. So we can expect an order at the earliest from Samiti extending the benefit. How early depends on how sincere is our administration about our welfare!